Case Study: Perfect Fit Closets

Perfect Fit Closets is a distributor for custom closet products, hardware and design software (with 2020 Spaces 3D virtual reality) to authorized dealers across North America.

They take pride in their vendor partners and have carefully selected industry leaders to be able to offer their authorized dealers with quality products and services.Find out more about Perfect Fit Closets

Perfect Fit Closets


The Problem

Perfect Fit Closets needed to have an ordering platform that allowed them to connect the design kit file created from 2020 Spaces design software Closet catalog. Once the kit file has been received as an order by Perfect Fit from their authorized dealers, the platform would then need to give back a list of core product items and hardware per order to the dealer for their installation team, followed by invoicing for the same order. The 2020 Spaces data feed is quite complex and these need to be parsed and then organized into orders.

The Solution

We had meetings with Perfect Fit Closets to understand and better strategize their goals in order to set up their business for growth and success. We listened to their needs and figured out a MVP (Minimum Viable Project) that we could build on as different levels of growth margins were accomplished. These touch points ensured that the budget set in place was continually monitored and maintained.

Our team built a full system for Perfect Fit Closets and their authorized dealers, to handle the process from design kit file uploads, to purchase orders, to invoice workflow, dashboard accessibility and much more. The software was built on a Laravel framework, a battle tested PHP framework we enjoy working with. Hosted at AWS, our preferred server vendor, for their excellence in uptime, service and tools.

After the initial MVP we continue to grow the system together. The key to a quality project is communication with the client and our team, planning, continuous testing and re-evaluation. Not all things are apparent when a project starts. It takes time to build a perfect system, so we worked hard to meet Perfect Fit Closets goals and we continue to build on a well thought out architecture.